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Top iPhone Fitness Apps
Staying fit can be a strenuous and challenging task that can be much more enjoyable and fun with fitness apps. Working out is an extremely important component of a healthy lifestyle that should be taken seriously. Those that own iPhone have the opportunity to achieve their personal fitness goals and make working out a more fun and enjoyable experience through the use of the many available fitness apps designed for iOS. While there is certainly a lot of choice in terms of great fitness apps for iPhone, following are among the best choices for improving your exercising routine and making the process of staying fit something that you won't dread. Zombies, Run! is a fantastic iPhone fitness app that really brings a fun component to your exercising routine. You simply run the app with your headphones in and begin running, trying to get away from the sounds of incoming zombies and following the voice instructions given throughout. Basically, Zombies Run! turns fitness into a game of getting away from a zombie horde while simultaneously keeping active. Of course, truly staying fit requires more than just a daily run. For something a little bit more intense, you'll want to try the Obstacles XRT - Extreme Reality Training app, which itself simulates an obstacle course of sorts in which you're expected to perform more strenuous tasks like escaping quicksand and jumping over tires. It's among the best fitness apps because it adds a touch of fun to your everyday fitness activities and allows you to improve your physical health without having to be bored while doing so. Working towards the six-pack of abs that you've always wanted? Well, there's an iPhone app that can help get you there as well. Abs Workout provides a four-week long training program that helps you focus on working out your core and slimming down, in turn strengthening your ab muscles and bringing you closer to your goal of achieving that six-pack. Do you like to combine walking, running and cycling in your daily fitness routine? If so, there is a great iPhone app called Moves that can track your progress in all three activities and features an extremely elegant user interface alongside detailed statistics so that you can always check up on exactly how much work you are putting towards your fitness goals. If you're someone that enjoys the rewarding feeling of receiving achievements for accepting challenges and subsequently beating them, then you will definitely want to try Fleetly for iPhone. This app allows you to choose from a number of different fitness-related challenges, such as biking for 500 miles for example and then awards you with in-app achievements once you've successfully completed them. No matter which of these or any other fitness apps that you decide to integrate into your exercising and workout routines, the most important thing is that you find those that make the activities enjoyable for you. Having a good time while you're working on your fitness is a great motivator and will help prevent you from giving up on your goals!
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