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What You Should Know About Windows 8.1
Since the very first windows OS, the Microsoft Disk operating system (MS-DOS), and windows 1.0 in the 1980s, Microsoft has not relented in continuously making the experience of using our PCs better. Over the years, Microsoft has redesigned and updated their operating system until today's revolutionary operating system, the Microsoft windows 8.1. It is designed to seamlessly flow with our modern world of internet, offering email, great apps, touch screens, and most importantly an unrivaled experience in daily PC and tablet use.
Windows 8.1 maintains the front-facing interface which was a radical redesign that really outshines the traditional interface. Switch on your PC or tablet and what greets you is a furnished start screen that is made of live tiles and applications. The start button makes a return with this operating system, unlike its predecessor. With just a click or a tap, users can easily move between the start screen and desktop. The ever-friendly user interface of folders and icons is still maintained, but a streamlined file management structure and a redone task manager makes the whole experience of using this OS great. Although some people have questioned the functionality of the new start screen and tiles, using Windows 8.1 actually feels like using an amalgam of two operating systems. No change is made on how to interact with programs like Excel, Word and PowerPoint, and users can still enjoy the services of these programs just like before. The use of a mouse and keyboard is still maintained. Windows 8.1 enables users to completely personalize how their PC looks: The start screen color, background and arrangement of tiles can be re-done according to the preference of the user. Picture passwords are also enabled. WithWindows 8.1, users can multitask in ways never imagined before. It is remarkable how you can easily move from one place to another and work the way you want. Depending on the screen size of your PC or tablet, it is now possible to use up to 4 applications simultaneously. Sounds interesting, right? For instance, users can play music while editing a document and at the same time share a link with friends on Facebook. To satisfy the demand of virtual storage, this OS comes with OnedDrive which is an application that enables users to store files, photos, and documents online. Surprisingly, it is free! Additionally, users can download and access these files anywhere, anytime, and even on non-windows devices. The new Internet Explorer 11 that is exclusively designed for a touch interface prides itself with simpler controls and larger tabs. It has a distinguishable fluid response. Other applications that users will find interesting include Skype, an application that enables video and instant messaging. The camera app enables photos and videos to be taken and shared online. The games application gives users an important opportunity to access top notch games and even play online. The Windows store is full of today’s great apps. Finance, calculator, health+fitness, sound recorder, calendar are among the many apps that come preinstalled on Windows 8.1.
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