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Is Your Tool Collection Complete? 9 Essential Items You Might Not Have (But Totally Should)

Tool Kit

Whether you’re a die-hard DIY enthusiast or simply a homeowner that likes to be prepared for any possibility, a toolkit is an absolute must. However, it’s important to understand that a given set of tools is only as good as the items it contains. If yours is incomplete, then there’s a high likelihood that you’re not as prepared as you might want to think you are. Here, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most useful tools that might be missing from your collection. Take inventory, and get prepared once and for all today!
  1. Level

Some people are crack shots when it comes to eyeballing a surface to see if it’s truly level or not. Other people know they need help. Both types of people should consider taking the guesswork completely out of the equation with a level. A given object doesn’t have to be off by very much in order to be uneven in an obvious way. Levels ensure that you get things right the first time every time.
  1. Sledgehammer

Sledgehammers tend to be the type of tool people don’t realize they need until they run into a situation for which they’re perfect. Whether you’re into serious DIY projects or not, it really pays to have one around. Sledgehammers are great tools for using wedges to split firewood. They make short work of anything that needs to be knocked apart in a jiffy. Really, they’re great for anything that calls for brute force.
  1. Putty Knife

A putty knife is the type of tool that is so flexible, it really should be part of every tool kit. Use yours to scrape away everything from unwanted paint to dried glue. Let it take the hassle out of spreading substances like spackle or paste. Choose from heavy duty steel versions built to last and no-scuff disposable alternatives. Better yet, add both to your collection!
  1. Safety Glasses

When we think of applications that call for safety glasses, we tend to think of welding or woodworking. However, we should really be thinking of them every single time we work on even minor home improvement projects. It only takes one mishap one time to compromise your vision and, ultimately, your eyes are too valuable not to protect them any way you can. For optimal protection, go for high impact safety glasses instead of alternatives labeled “basic impact.”
  1. Wire Stripper

Wire strippers come in handy when it comes to a multitude of tasks – everything from trimming wire for fencing or picture hanging to scoring insulation around wires of all sizes. However, they’re absolute must-haves if you ever do electrical or connective work (or hope to in the future). Wires must be properly and neatly exposed before they’re ready for electrical connections.
  1. C-Clamp

Many people tend to overlook the usefulness of C-clamps, as they figure they can always use their own two hands to hold pieces of metal, plastic, or wood together. However, C-clamps take a lot of the hassle out of the process, acting much like a very strong third hand when it’s time to glue two things together. They make sawing and filing such objects a much safer, simpler process as well.
  1. Industrial Flashlight

Most people probably have a flashlight or two around the house just in case the power ever goes out. However, it’s important to make sure your tool shed or toolkit includes a heavy duty one as well. You never know when you’ll need to do some quick repair work in the dark or while stuck in a cramped space. Don’t forget to also keep an ample supply of extra batteries around!
  1. Pipe Wrench

The pipe wrench is yet another item that tends to be overlooked, as it’s not what you’d call a super versatile multi-use item. However, it really shouldn’t be. When and if you ever find yourself needing to hold a pipe and/or its fittings securely, there is honestly no other tool that will be able to do the job. You’ll be extra grateful you have it the next time you need to investigate a clogged kitchen sink or tighten the fittings at the bottom of your toilet.
  1. Combination Square

Just about every DIY project requires a need to measure or double check existing measurements. Sure, a ruler is great for that, but you really need a combination square for marking and testing the squareness of corners. You’ll be glad you have it when those corners come out flawless each and every time.
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