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Common Home Network Mistakes and How to Fix Them Part 2
In a previous article, we looked at some common home network mistakes. We continue our list of mistakes and how to fix them:

Failure to regularly update the firmware in your router

Unless you are sure that your router has an automatic update capability, it is important to have the router updated regularly in order to get access to new functions, new updates, and other settings. Such updates enhance the performance of the router significantly. You can manually update the router by visiting the manufacturer’s website, downloading the updates, and then updating the router using a computer that is directly connected to the router through an Ethernet cable.

Always going for the “Hard reset” option every time there is a problem

This button is normally at the back of the router and can be accessed using a paper clip. The button can be quite effective if the router is becoming a bit problematic because it does return the router to its default settings. This button should always be pressed as a last resort when everything else has failed. Before resetting the router, make sure all configuration details such as password, ISP Username, opened services/ports, security keys etc. are all noted down correctly because you will need to configure the router once you switch it on.

The network doesn’t reach certain parts of the home

This problem is quite widespread when dealing with home Wi-Fi Networks. The performance of such a home network is greatly dependent on the signal strength of either the wireless access point or the wireless router. Such a problem is usually caused by interference, distance, or obstruction. To avoid such instances, always install the wireless access point or wireless router in a central location. You should also avoid any physical obstructions along the line of sight between the access point and the client. It is worth noting that most obstructions tend to reside closer to the floor, so it is advisable to install the access point near the ceiling. It is also recommended that you avoid having the access point of your home network near reflective surfaces such as stainless steel countertops, mirrors, windows, and metal file cabinets since some signals do bounce off such surfaces. The access point should also be at least 3 feet away from home appliances that are known to send wireless signals within the same range of frequency such as cordless phones, some microwave ovens, and baby monitors.
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